TopSolid offers a fully integrated CAD/CAM/PDM solution. This cutting-edge CAD/CAM system is based on advanced technology and is parametric and associative within TopSolid. As the main CAM provider in France, TopSolid has been a partner of FRAISA France for many years.
Functions & Features
The direct transfer of precise cutting data between FRAISA ToolExpert® and TopSolid takes place via a bidirectional XML interface. The direct online data exchange significantly reduces the time required and the susceptibility to errors compared to manual input.
TopSolid takes over the data for HDC plunging and for plunging using Helix for the "Boost Milling" function. 3D components and milling processes can be simulated.
The cutting data is available for all FRAISA milling and drilling tools.
You can find our installation guide for activating the interface here.

- Optimization of production processes
- Direct import, no more manual input
- High process reliability
- Simplified and efficient use
- Reduced susceptibility to errors
- Significant time savings
Step by step:
Generate process-reliable cutting data
Select the article (via the article number) and/or the material in TopSolid
Call up FRAISA ToolExpert® from TopSolid (customized TopSolid/FRAISA ToolExpert® version)
Selected articles and/or materials are transferred from TopSolid to FRAISA ToolExpert®
Application selection is opened automatically
Selection of the desired applications
Direct transfer of XML data from FRAISA ToolExpert® to TopSolid (no need to download or upload a file)
Do you have any questions?
We are happy to help!
Gurzelenstrasse 7
CH-4512 Bellach
Tel.: +41 (0)32 617 42 42
E-Mail: mail.ch@fraisa.com
Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 15b
D-47877 Willich
Tel.: +49 (0)2154 489 84-0
E-Mail: info.de@fraisa.com
7, Rue de Lombardie
ZA Les Pivolles
F-69150 Décines
Tel.: +33 (0)4 72 14 57 00
E-Mail: fraisa@fraisa.fr
FRAISA Italia s.r.l.
Via Grosio 10/8
I-20151 Milano
Tel.: +39 02 33406 086
E-Mail: info.it@fraisa.com
FRAISA Hungária Kft.
Vásárhelyi Pál utca 3
H-3950 Sárospatak
Tel.: +36 47 312 686
E-Mail: info@fraisa.hu
1265 Grey Fox Road, Suite 600
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Tel.: +1 (651) 636-8488
E-Mail: info.us@fraisa.com
FRAISA (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
A202, Building 3, No.526,
3rd East Fute Road
Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone
Shanghai 200131
Tel.: +86 21 5820 5550
E-Mail: infochina@fraisa.com