Innovative tap for rigid tapping

Rigid tapping on CNC controlled machines

Cost efficient thanks to universal application

Process-reliable application

High performance and tool life

Superior thread quality

Broad product range
Tap Xtap:
Innovative universal tool for thread cutting in rigid tapping
FRAISA presents a completely redesigned universal tap that’s based on state-of-the-art grinding technology and has been developed especially for use on CNC-controlled machines. With this, the new tool for rigid, tight chucks completes the Xtap tool family for the creation of threads in blind and through holes in thread system M.
Like a true all-rounder, the Xtap combines maximum process reliability and maximum universality, which is reinforced by the new shank variation with a side clamping flat surface: The tool can be used without compensation chuck on CNC machines with a conventional clamping chuck (rigid tapping).

Comprehensive range of products
The Xtap tool range includes blind hole taps and through hole taps with various diameters from M3 to M24. For reliable tapping, you will find the relevant application data for all blind hole taps and taps for through holes (e.g. tapping cutting speed) in our catalog. Our Xtap taps are a high-performance solution, particularly for tapping in various steel materials as well as stainless and acid-resistant steel materials.
The new blind hole taps are available in the following diameters:

The new taps for through holes are available in the following diameters:

New quality standards during high-performance thread cutting
For the Xtap to guarantee a high thread quality, process reliability and productivity during thread cutting, it is based on innovative technological features.
The cutting edge rounded as a function of dimensions provides a reinforced cutting wedge and with that a higher process reliability and reproducibility. The robust cutting edge ensures a universal applicability in various materials, while also providing a perfected groove form. This results in a steady thread quality over a long period of time in the rigid tapping process. A bigger size has been chosen for the relief grinding for lower friction and reduced cutting forces.
The reduced machining temperature at the cutting edge will also increase the tool life and by implication the productivity.

The new rigid tapping designs make a significant contribution to a reliable process performance: The exact gradient is ensured by the precise Xtap and a
synchronized spindle feed. The thread cannot be cut incorrectly due to the rigid clamping. The Incool design also significantly improves the chip removal.
The coating FRAISA-AlCrTiN achieves a significantly higher tool life than standard coatings during the thread cutting of high-quality components. Additionally, the very smooth and hard coating as well as the excellent coating adhesion yield an ideal wear resistance.

Cylindrical shank execution
h6 with side clamping flat
surface, DIN 1835B
Wear-resistant hard
material coating
cutting material
Optimized swarf
space geometry
Incool design
Defined micro-
geometry, cutting
edge rounding
spiral point
Best chip removal – secure chip flow and chip formation
High resistance to wear with ideal stiffness
Reduced forces during thread tapping
Universally applicable, reduced number of tools
Guaranteed process reliability and highest tool life
Reduced process temperature through smooth surfaces
Application tips for thread cutting
Rigid tapping
Rigid tapping is designed for modern machines with synchronised spindle drives. All tools have a clamping flat and are used with conventional chucks.
For some machines, it is possible that the recommended spindle speed for synchronous operation cannot be reached. In these cases it is necessary to operate at the highest possible spindle speed where synchronism of the machine is still guaranteed.
Thread cutting with micro-compensation or rigid tapping
Modern CNC machine tools can synchronize the spindle speed and feed rate. Despite this, microscopic pitch errors can arise. These are compensated by micro-compensation or synchronous tapping attachments and facilitate better results in terms of tool life and quality.

Application technology: Chamfer forms and formulas
Thread depth (tthread) + thread tip (ttip) + number of threads (X) x pitch (P) = set depth in the cycle (tthread eff.)

Chamfer form for taps according to DIN 2197, table 4, type B. The pitch number in the chamfer is between 3.5 and 5.
eff. Thread depth M8 through hole 3xd
24mm + 2mm + 5 threads x 1.25mm = 32.25mm → 32mm
Rule of thumb
Through-hole tap = max. number of threads

Lead-in cone form for thread former according to DIN 2175, table 4: type C. The pitch number in the chamfer is between 2 and 3.
eff. Thread depth M16 blind hole 2.5xd
40mm + 4mm + 2 threads x 2mm = 48mm → 48mm
Rule of thumb
Blind hole tap = min. number of threads
Our FRAISA application consultants will be happy to assist you personally in selecting the right taps and work with you to determine the appropriate application data.
Successful tapping - what you should bear in mind:

Deeper threads
For deep threads, tools must be chosen with sufficiently long flutes. There is otherwise a risk of tool breakage due to chip build-up, because the chips cannot flow out of the hole. With Rigid Tapping, pecking in several steps can be programmed, in order to shorten the chips. Sufficient cooling is important.

Functional performance of the compensation chuck
A satisfactory compensation function of the chuck must be guaranteed (no jamming). Otherwise, despite the chuck, the thread may be miscut or pitch errors can arise. The torque level of the compensation chuck must be selected according to the thread diameter.

Correctly adjusted coolant jet
A specifically aimed coolant jet is important in tapping work. The direction should be from above, in the direction of the flutes, so that the cooling is also effective at depth. If the coolant jet is not aimed, the problem of heat development in the drillhole arises, with the risk of cold welding-together of the material, which in turn may lead to reduced service life and poor chip formation.

Safety clearance
When using Rigid Tapping, a sufficient approach distance must be programmed. If the clearance is too small, the problem arises of the machine spindle not synchronising with the feed before entering the drillhole. This results in pitch error of the thread, even with synchronous working.
Supplementary service offers for Xtap for rigid tapping
Do you have any questions about our products?
We are happy to help!
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