The ToolSchool recommends

ToolSchool ToolSchool-Recommendation our tip for you FRAISA offers you highly innovative products; products that are always state-of-the-art and right at the cutting edge of technological development. For this reason, we would like to use our “ToolSchool Recommendation” con- cept to draw your attention to the latest technologies now incorporated in our product catalogue and, of course, to the advantages they bring. Our “ToolSchool Recommendation” clearly demonstrates how you can and should switch from the products you have been using until now to the new cutting-edge products from FRAISA. The logo has been used in this catalogue tohighlight selectedproducts that offer a particularly good opportu- nity to upgrade from an existing tool to the latest technology. By switching from “old” to ”new”, you benefit from increasedproductivity, cost reductions and genuine competitive ad- vantages in the marketplace. With our ToolSchool concept, you can be sure you always have the very latest technology to hand. This will strengthen your position in comparison to all your competitors. FRAISA’s ToolSchool stands for long- standing, field-proven experience and expertise. ToolSchool stands for appli- cation know-how and customer value. You can count on that. • Greater efficiency • Lower costs • Improved competitiveness Latest FRAISA technology for: